High school prom can be quite exciting, as it is your last moment in high school, not to mention it’ll be a lot better if you’re going on a date, if not then make sure to enjoy your last moments with your friend. In this article, we have listed some ways to prepare for your high school prom, so girls (and boys.) Make sure to read this article to find out more about it.
Get your dress as soon as possible
One mistake that you can do is to get a dress juast a few days before your prom, which usually results in not much time for you to make your selections of the dress. Make sure to buy or rent your days at least a week before your prom, doing this will not make you panic in case you haven’t found your dress and prom is due in a few days. If you’re looking for dresses.
Treat your face
Before going to prom make sure you have a week to prepare your skin, use some sheet mask with lemon in case your face is acne-prone sensitive or aloe sheet mask for a dry face. Pamper your face as well as you can before the due day, and make sure that you get enough sleep to avoid any panda eyes incident. And if you want to, make sure that you practice your make up (In case you’re not going to a salon.)
Prepare for the morning
In the morning of the prom night, make sure that you start preparing yourself, take a shower, shave, moisture or exfoliate, do anything that you have to before the prom night, and perhaps get your nails ready a few hours before you go to the prom.
Tip: in case you want to look the best for prom, make sure to do your beauty regimen at least a month before the prom, drink more water, eat veggies and fruits, and exercise more to stay in shape.
Figure out your transportation
After making sure that your dress, makeup, shoes, and accessories are ready, you have to figure out how do you get to the prom. Are you going with your parents or your friends? Make sure that you have the transportation at least a week before the prom starts so you won’t panic if no one can take you there.